Thomas Conner • August 11, 2023

Our Customer Care Philosphy

You should notice it as soon as you see our home page- it’s that red button on the top right that says “Client Hub.” That’s actually rare. It’s as if our industry intentionally wants to frustrate its customers. How often do you go to your provider’s website, only to discover that you’re going in circles trying to get the help you need for support? And don’t even try to call, assuming you can find the right number. It seems like it’s easy to sign up but nearly impossible to get help or cancel once you have given up.

Our philosophy is simple- know the client. Seriously, we’re a small company so we try to know you. It’s like walking into the LOCAL hardware store, eating at your favorite LOCAL diner, buying your groceries from the LOCAL market. Do ANY of those establishments intentionally try to make it hard for you to get what you need? Of course not. They smile, wave you in, maybe even get you what you need because they already know what you’re about to order. Remember that TV series with the theme song, “Where Everybody Knows Your Name?” That’s us. We’re not selling milkshakes, freshly grown tomatoes, or the wing nut for your mower. But why should we treat you any differently? That’s our philosophy. For our current customers, we want to get you to what you need as soon as you step into our space, whether its the log in page for BUILD, our support ticketing system, the place to update your payment information, or your webmail homepage. 

Our competitors seem most interested in catering to POTENTIAL customers by highlighting the “SIGN UP NOW!” messaging. Yes, we want new customers too but we want to take the very best care of our current clients. It shows. Some of us go all the way back to 1995! Yeah, we know, that’s a customer relationship that’s old enough to have kids in grade school!

But don’t get me wrong. Even if our customer care values seem old-fashioned (we call them timelessly appropriate), HOW we take care of you is quite technically sophisticated. When you need something, it gets logged in our Zendesk ticketing system so the right person can keep up with you and we can refer to in the future if needed. If you need to update a payment, you can do it using our online portal. We keep up with our interactions so that we can be better and better. 

So, don’t be surprised if you hear it from us often- “THANK YOU” for being our customer, entrusting us with your digital services, and believing in us. It may not surprise you that most of our new customers come to us by referral from existing customers. That’s the best way to grow isn’t it? And if you happen to be one of those folks referred to us, we hope that you feel completely welcome to call us or to use our website to get more information and we also hope that you will immediately see what it feels like to be a cherished client. We look forward to getting to know you. 


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