Thomas Conner • December 12, 2023

They're insured, right? Right!?

You drop your child off at the daycare center and drive away knowing that she is in good hands with a licensed and insured provider. Your lawyer most likely has professional liability insurance to protect against claims of malpractice. Your realtor can’t help you buy or sell your house without an errors and omissions policy. You wouldn’t hire a contractor to upgrade your kitchen unless they were bonded and insured. So, why would you trust just anyone to handle your website if they are not protected against the MULTITUDE of risks involved in the cyber world? 

Back in the 90’s it was okay for your high schooler to build your company website but nowadays, your online presence and those who are responsible for it must be sensitive to the very serious risk that exists. We do not mess around when it comes to the danger, which is why we carry the best protection for ourselves and our customers. When your “marketing person” says, “And I’ll take care of getting you a new website,” you need to start asking questions immediately like, “Exactly WHO is going to do that work? You? If not, are you contracting it so someone? Are you insured? Are THEY insured? Why not? When you say YOU are going to host it, does that mean you run your own hosting business? If not, then where? Are they insured?” Now, more than ever, you need to know where the risks are with your online services. You can’t simply trust someone’s “I’ll take care of it” response any more than you would when someone is standing in front of the daycare center and says, “Hand the kid over to me. I’ll take care of everything,” and then walks away.

Our company, Multiply, LLC, is covered by a comprehensive insurance policy issued by Beazley Group. Our Beazley MediaTech policy is underwritten by Lloyd’s of London and includes the following coverage:

Media, Tech, Data & Network Liability damages and claims expenses related to:

  • Tech and professional services wrongful act
  • Tech product wrongful act
  • Media wrongful act
  • Data and network wrongful act

Breach Response

  • Indemnification for actual or reasonably suspected dat or security breaches

Regulatory Defense & Penalties 

  • Coverage for penalties and claims expenses 

Payment Card Liabilities & Costs

  • PC fines, expenses and costs

First Party Data & Network Loss

  • Business interruption loss
  • Dependent business interruption loss
  • Cyber extortion loss
  • Data recovery costs


  • Fraudulent Instruction
  • Funds transfer fraud
  • Telephone fraud

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